Ladies splitting up the take after a hard night at the office.

A walk on the beach of Panama City

A pool party in the city of Colon on the Atlantic side of Panama

Mineria = Muerte Mining equals death . A labor union protest, suspected plain clothed detective on the right.

A child in a restaurant serving a wholesale vegetable facility.

Home is where the heart is. Colon Panama

The girls from the parade. Chorrera, Panama

Two on one out.

Kids just out of school.

Fried chicken from Anna's restaurant.

The rodeo, David, Chiriqui western Panama.

A woman, probably of Palestinian origin walking in Colon.

Men eating in a restaurant serving a wholesale vegetable facility.

Colon city proper is one square mile in size and much of it looks like this.

A family of Kuna Yala Indians s from eastern Panama.

NI Putas ni Santas,solo mujeres. Neither whores nor saints we are just women. Oct. 25, 2011 a large women's protest against sexual assault.

Government doctors protest for higher wages in Panama City.

A group of people playing dominos in the city of Colon. I counted about 30 men and one woman.

The people of Colon observing the Good Friday procession.

Sleeping in the slammer. Colon.

The men and women of the Colon police force getting ready to do a thankless job. I would like to add at this point since the end of the Noriega regime I have had nothing but respect and admiration for the Panamanian police.

The Gay/Rainbow parade June, 2012.

The adjustment. The Gay/Rainbow parade June, 2012.

Green Light. Christmas shoppers taken through a car window. Panama City.

A man fishing in Limon Bay, Colon.

Churchgoers, Colon.

The pat down, Panama City.

Young boy on the ledge of a roof, Colon

The Shrine, Colon

The arrest, Panama City.

Boys taking a bath, Colon.

Antonio with a wooden top.

The unphotographed. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

Young man waiving a flag, protest, National assembly